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Indiana Senate Update from Eric Bassler

Prioritizing Workforce Development

Over the last few years, workforce development has been a top priority for Indiana. Both the Senate and House of Representatives have authored workforce-related bills and included them on legislative agendas, and Gov. Eric Holcomb has made it a part of his five pillars.

Having a skilled workforce is vital to our state’s success. There will be more than one million jobs available in the Hoosier state over the next 10 years as the baby boomer generation retires and more companies choose to grow or locate in Indiana.

Our job market will be thriving, but Hoosiers need to be ready to fill these high-demand positions. In recent years, Indiana’s government leaders have worked to implement job-ready programs that help Hoosiers gain the skills necessary to obtain high-wage, high-demand jobs and assist employers by offsetting the costs associated with training employees, among other things.

This session, my colleagues and I will continue to address Indiana’s workforce development efforts in order to further prepare Hoosiers for the future.


Century and Half Century

Business Awards

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation is now accepting applications for the Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards.

The awards, which will be announced in the spring, honor Indiana businesses that have operated in our state for 50 or 100 years and demonstrated a commitment to serving their community.

To qualify, businesses must have continuously operated in Indiana for 50 or 100 years, participated in the same line of work for the duration of their operation, had their base in Indiana since they were founded, and not received a Century or Half Century award in the past.

The deadline to submit an application is Friday, Feb. 16. Click here to apply.



Prioritizing Workforce Development

Over the last few years, workforce development has been a top priority for Indiana. Both the Senate and House of Representatives have authored workforce-related bills and included them on legislative agendas, and Gov. Eric Holcomb has made it a part of his five pillars.

Having a skilled workforce is vital to our state’s success. There will be more than one million jobs available in the Hoosier state over the next 10 years as the baby boomer generation retires and more companies choose to grow or locate in Indiana.

Our job market will be thriving, but Hoosiers need to be ready to fill these high-demand positions. In recent years, Indiana’s government leaders have worked to implement job-ready programs that help Hoosiers gain the skills necessary to obtain high-wage, high-demand jobs and assist employers by offsetting the costs associated with training employees, among other things.

This session, my colleagues and I will continue to address Indiana’s workforce development efforts in order to further prepare Hoosiers for the future.


Century and Half Century

Business Awards

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation is now accepting applications for the Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards.

The awards, which will be announced in the spring, honor Indiana businesses that have operated in our state for 50 or 100 years and demonstrated a commitment to serving their community.

To qualify, businesses must have continuously operated in Indiana for 50 or 100 years, participated in the same line of work for the duration of their operation, had their base in Indiana since they were founded, and not received a Century or Half Century award in the past.

The deadline to submit an application is Friday, Feb. 16. Click here to apply.



Prioritizing Workforce Development

Over the last few years, workforce development has been a top priority for Indiana. Both the Senate and House of Representatives have authored workforce-related bills and included them on legislative agendas, and Gov. Eric Holcomb has made it a part of his five pillars.

Having a skilled workforce is vital to our state’s success. There will be more than one million jobs available in the Hoosier state over the next 10 years as the baby boomer generation retires and more companies choose to grow or locate in Indiana.

Our job market will be thriving, but Hoosiers need to be ready to fill these high-demand positions. In recent years, Indiana’s government leaders have worked to implement job-ready programs that help Hoosiers gain the skills necessary to obtain high-wage, high-demand jobs and assist employers by offsetting the costs associated with training employees, among other things.

This session, my colleagues and I will continue to address Indiana’s workforce development efforts in order to further prepare Hoosiers for the future.

Century and Half Century

Business Awards

The Indiana Economic Development Corporation is now accepting applications for the Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards.

The awards, which will be announced in the spring, honor Indiana businesses that have operated in our state for 50 or 100 years and demonstrated a commitment to serving their community.

To qualify, businesses must have continuously operated in Indiana for 50 or 100 years, participated in the same line of work for the duration of their operation, had their base in Indiana since they were founded, and not received a Century or Half Century award in the past.

The deadline to submit an application is Friday, Feb. 16. Click here to apply.



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