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Board of Works Makes Mandated Drug Testing Changes

          The Washington Board of Public Works and Safety met for the final time in 2017 today (Friday).

          The three member board approved addendums to the drug testing policy for the Washington Transit System.

          The changes are mandated by the US Department of Transportation and increase from 3 to 7 the number of opioid based drugs to be tested for.  The change affects all city bus drivers and mechanics.

            Some of the new drugs include oxycontin and hydrocodone.   In the event a medical prescription is needed for the drugs, employees need to follow current city policy and inform their supervisors. Also, under new regulations, the employee’s doctor would have to talk to the supervisors advising them of the affects of the medication.

In other action, the board accepted the low bid from Don Gress Construction of Washington to demolish structures at 1202 West Walnut and 1106 Downey Avenue.  The properties were condemned by the city.

          Also the board approved several salary changes in the city’s water department.  Washington Mayor Joe Wellman explained that Water Department Superintendent Charlie Kane is consolidating some titles in the department and also getting worker’s pay in line with the 2018 city salary ordinance.


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