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Washington City Council Advances Comprehensive Plan Update and Nears Completion on Wastewater Project

Looking forward to the future, Washington’s City Council held a public hearing and approved a grant application to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. If Washington receives the grant, the state will provide approximately 90% of the cost for the city to update its Comprehensive Plan. The last update to the plan came approximately 17 years ago.
The Council also heard that the Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project is nearing completion. Midwestern Engineers’ Scott Siple told the Council that the electric work is 99% complete and reviewed the process of bringing the new equipment online. Siple also discussed flow monitoring and a study to develop a master plan for Washington’s sewer lines. He also reviewed a study and lift stations on the east side of the city and the need for an eastside treatment plant as development in that area continues to grow.
In other business, the Council passed an ordinance to bring a section of the City Code into compliance with the recently passed Stormwater Ordinance. The Council also approved tax abatement renewals for Isoflex, NASCO, Indiana Safety, TureRX, and the Indiana Municipal Power Agency.
Washington’s Clerk-Treasurer, Beth McGookey, presented the Council with her regular report on the city’s revenues and cash flow as the Council began to consider next year’s budget.
At the end of the meeting, with school back in session at the beginning of August, Mayor Rhoads gave an update on Food Truck Tuesday and the swimming pool.

After the Council meeting, the Washington Board of Works and Safety approved a one-year contract with Ed Barnett for engineering and surveying services.
Prior to the council meeting, Mayor Rhoads administered the oath of office to Jordan Andry, who became Washington’s newest police officer.
The next Council and Board of Work meetings will be held on August 12.
Photo: Jordan Andry, Washington’s newest police officer took the oath of office at Monday’s City Council meeting

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