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County Council – Reorganization, Crane Tech Park, Commons Project

The Daviess County Council held their January meeting on Wednesday morning. Council members Matt Meredith, Mike Sprinkle, and Marilyn McCullough were in attendance; Councilmen Darin Holder and Tom Schaffer attended remotely. Tony Duncheon and Mike Myers were absent.
The Council conducted its annual reorganization and elected Tony Duncheon president and Tom Schaffer vice president.
In regular business, the Council approved a declaratory resolution designating an economic redevelopment area at the Crane Technology Park. This is part of the process to set up the requested tax abatement on personal property for the WestGate Microelectronics Project, which will see a $300 million investment and approximately 350 high-paying jobs at the WestGate tech park.
The Council also approved a resolution establishing a revolving fund to help finance the Common project in downtown Washington.
In other business, the Council approved a one-year community health liaison in the Health Department. The position is to be funded by funds from the SARS-COV-2 testing grant. The Council also approved the transfer of funds in the budgets of Community Corrections, the County Clerk, and the Security Center, and the addition of a truck driver to the highway department.
The County Council and County Commissioners will hold a combined meeting on Jan. 24 to hear plans for the courthouse renovation.

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