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Washington’s School Facilities Study Committee Delivers 26 Ideas to School Board After Seven-Week Review


The report from the sixty-two-member Facilities Study Committee was presented to Washington’s School Board at Thursday night’s meeting. The committee, consisting of parents, business owners, farmers, community leaders, retirees, teachers, and other community members, met over a seven-week period and toured each school in the system. They also received information on projected enrollment over the next ten years, school finances, curriculum, and the condition of the current buildings. Altogether, the committee came up with 26 recommendations. A.J. Miles, Kristin Miles, Cody Chapman, and Kasey Frette presented a summary of the committee’s findings. The committee told the board that they were impressed with the quality of course offerings and the educational opportunities available to Washington’s students. Among the areas of most concern were secure and identifiable school entrances for the corporation’s buildings, the need for additional classroom space, and repurposing underutilized space.
The committee reported that school safety, especially secure and identifiable entrances, was the major concern. The Committee pointed to the multiple entrances to the WHS/Jr. High complex without an identifiable main secure entrance for visitors. The committee also recommended that there be an SRO officer on site at each of the buildings.
Citing the fact that all the system’s buildings are functioning at or over capacity, the committee suggested that some areas be repurposed, for example, the courtyard at Washington Primary or the auditorium at the Upper Elementary. Another suggestion was to build a STEM/STEAM center on unused high school tennis courts or other nearby properties. The committee also made a long-term recommendation of considering building a grade 6–8 middle school, adding the junior high area to the high school, and reconfiguring grade alignment to K–2, 3-5, 6–8, and 9–12 buildings.
Looking at finances, the committee recommended relocating the central offices and repurposing Veale. The committee noted that the per-student cost of educating students at Veale was nearly twice the per-student cost for students at any of the other schools. The committee suggested the Veale building could be better used for another purpose, such as alternative education or vocational skills education. The board will now take the recommendations into consideration and determine how to proceed.
In regular business, the board approved the retirements of two long-time teachers, Laurie Arnold and Mike Mercer. The Board also received resignations from elementary teacher Melissa Chestnut and radio/TV instructor Nathan Springfield: aides Samantha Brito and Isabella Tegmeyer; assistant junior high girls track coach Alexis Freeman; and assistant softball coach Makayla Long. A leave of absence was granted to Jodie Neukam. The Board also approved hiring Gracie Hass and Raeanna Theine as elementary teachers, Meagan Now,ing as WHS Ag Science teacher, Alana Clark and Renae Clark as elementary aides, and Erin Keller as a bus driver. Misty Wanke was approved as an assistant softball coach, Tyler Elsey and Daniel Christie as football volunteers, and Garrett Burton as a junior high boys track volunteer. The Board also received a $1,474 donation for the WHS F.F.A. from Eagle Railcar. The next board meeting will be held on April 18 at the Central Office Building.

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