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Knox Election Board Addresses Challenges to Candidacy for Upcoming 2023 Municipal Elections


In ongoing efforts to finalize the 2023 municipal election ballots, the local election board has taken action to address challenges to candidacy. Republican Terry Evans, a Decker Town Board Candidate, was removed from the ballot due to challenges questioning his eligibility. It was found that he is not a registered voter in Decker and has never voted in a primary election, both of which are required to run for office. Similarly, Democrat Tammy Byrer-Luking was removed from the Edwardsport Clerk/Treasurer Ballot following a challenge based on felony convictions. A Decker town convention will determine the November Ballot for Town Council, with registered voters choosing from five Republican candidates: Ted Alan Cooper, Thomas Culp, John Dobson, Tresa Dobson, and Jay Linnewebber. No Democrats are on the November ballot, and the winners will take office in 2024. In Bruceville, another town convention on Friday will decide between Republicans Devin Scott Hagemeier and Lynette Lanam for Bruceville Clerk Treasurer. The winner will take office in January next year, as there is no Democratic candidate for November’s election.

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