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Daviess County Commissioners Address Bids, Funding Requests, and Courthouse Renovation


The Daviess County Commissioners had a full agenda for Monday morning’s meeting. The first item was receiving bids for the 900 E project. E&B Paving presented a bid of $1,123,000, while Milestone Construction entered a bid of $1,117,000. The bids were taken under advisement. The commissioners then heard funding requests from seven county not-for-profit agencies. The funding requests will be considered during the upcoming budget process. The commissioners then opened a public hearing for consideration of a request from John Weyer to vacate a right of way in a housing development on Boggs Lake. The Boggs Lake Park Board told the Commissioners it opposed the vacation of the right of way due to limiting access to the lake shore for maintenance. The commissioners also had questions about the survey lines and other issues. The commissioners voted to table the request until the issues were resolved.
The commissioners also received an update from RQAW on the courthouse renovation. RQAW told the commissioners that the historic courthouse bell is on the roof and suggested that while cranes were available to remove the old HVAC units, the bell also be removed and placed near the main courthouse entrance as a landscape item. The bell was in the steeple of the old courthouse that burned in 1927. It was recovered, and at one time, it used to chime the time for the clocks on the current building. RQAW will meet with Judge Sobecki and Judge Smith within the next few weeks to work out the interior design of the new courtrooms.
At the end of the meeting, it was announced there would only be one commissioner meeting in June. The meeting on June 27 has been cancelled.

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