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Washington City Council Notes – Leash Laws, Sewer Utilities, Food Truck Tuesday


At Monday’s Washington City Council meeting, members heard that loose dogs are creating a dangerous situation for a local resident. Gretchen Brown is blind and has a guide dog. Brown told the City Council that she and her guide dog have been attacked by loose running dogs on several occasions when she was walking in the city. Brown said that her guide dog has been injured in a couple of those attacks, which has caused her to lose time at work. Brown aided the Council in adding tougher consequences to Washington’s leash law. But Brown said the biggest problem is that, being blind, she cannot identify the attacking animal for police, and local residents who witness the attack or see dogs running loose don’t want to get involved. Not only is Brown asking for the city to tighten up its leash laws, but she is also asking for local residents to report dogs running loose so the city will be a safe walking area for residents with disabilities.
In regular business, the Council heard a report from Chris Janak of Bose McKinney and Evans, who had been asked to evaluate the city’s sewer utility. Janak told the Council that, in light of the effect of inflation on the costs of equipment and supplies, Washington’s current sewer rates do not provide enough revenue to allow the utility to provide adequate service. Janak said that after the study, the recommendation is for the city to raise sewer rates in three phases over the next three years. The rate increase would add approximately $10 per month to the average family’s sewer bill. There will be a public hearing on the proposed ordinance prior to the May 15th Council meeting.
In other business, Percy Lyford asked the council to vacate an unused alley running between his properties. The council asked the city attorney to draw up a proposed ordinance vacating the alleyway.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor David Rhoads announced that Food Truck Tuesday is back at Eastside Park beginning today.

Again, Food Truck Tuesday at East Side Park runs from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. beginning today through the end of July, except for the 4th of July.
Washington’s Board of Public Works and Safety met following the City Council. The Board approved a request from Dusty Davis to hack a small car show on Main Street in front of the Indiana Theater on May 19. Davis asked to close one lane of Main Street between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. between Hwy. 57 and 4th Street. The Board then received bids on demolishing the building at the State Street “Y” with East National Highway. The decision was tabled to investigate the potential presence of asbestos in the structure.
Washington’s newest firefighter is given the oath of office by Mayor Rhoads before Monday’s City Council Meeting.

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