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City Council Notes – Lengthy Council Agenda


A long agenda set the tone for a lengthy Washington City Council meeting Monday night. The first order of business was three public hearings on proposed ordinances. The first ordinance appropriated funds received from the state’s Community Crossings grant. The second hearing appropriated funds received from the state from local forfeiture and seizure of assets used in criminal activity. The third ordinance dealt with appropriating funds received from the American Rescue Plan of 2021. All three ordinances passed unanimously. The Council also heard the introduction of an ordinance containing a proposed city budget and tax rate for 2023. The proposed tax rate for Washington is 2.5527. However, that figure is expected to be lowered by the state after the state property tax circuit breakers are applied. In other business, Denny Spinner, the Executive Director of the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, congratulated the Council on Washington on being named a Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program community. Spinner introduced Amber Warden, who will work with the local community during the course of the grant. The Council also heard and received a detailed report from Deen Roger of Baker Tilly Advisors. A Washington city ordinance requires a study of utility rates every two years. Rogers told the Council that revenues from the waste water and sewer utilities did not meet operating and maintenance expenses. Rogers presented the Council with alternatives to consider. The Council plans to consider utility rates in February as bids come in for the eastern half of the old U.S. 50 project.
At the end of the meeting, the council set the time for Trick-or-Treat activities. Mayor Rhoads explains what is happening on Halloween in Washington

The Mayor says that most Washington area organizations will have their safe-stops at the park again this year… and a reminder, it will be a walk through activity.
Mayor Rhoads also announced that due to the Columbus Day holiday, the next Council meeting will be on Tuesday, October 12.

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