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School Board approves Wes Taylor retirement letter and agrees to purchase two new school buses

A veteran Washington High School math teacher will be retiring effective October 1st.  At Thursday night’s meeting the Washington School Board accepted the retirement letter of Wes Taylor.  Taylor teaches math at WHS, and has been a tennis and basketball coach during his career.
The Board also heard WHS F.F.A. sponsor Myra Bromm and FFA President Bradley Hess.  Bromm and Hess gave the Board a presentation about the WHS F.F.A.’s plans to partner with a local business for a 10 acre test plot this spring.
The Washington Board also approved the administration’s recommendation to purchase two new 2020 78-passenger school busses and to declare two 2010 model 66-passenger buses as surplus.   The Board also approved obtaining quotes to demolish two structures on school owned property on SR 257.
In other business Board members gave approval to the corporations School Improvement Plan, along with board policy updates.

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