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Indiana Congressman Jim Banks wants to crackdown on violent protesters

Indiana Congressman Jim Banks is still pushing his bill that would crackdown on violent protesters.
The Support Peaceful Protest Act, as he calls it, would clamp down on people who are arrested for rioting, looting, of vandalizing property while others try to peaceful protest in cities across the United States.
“I hope that my bill will serve as a deterrent and just the same way as the president’s executive order,” Banks told Fox Business. “If you heard his great speech on Thursday night at the White House he talked about what happened when he instituted a ten-year prison sentence for anyone who tears down a statue.”
Banks said once that penalty was in place those violent acts stopped. He said by passing his bill, rioters, and others connected with what he calls “violent left-wing groups” will get the message.
“These big-city mayors are turning a blind eye to this type of violence,” said Banks. “So my bill … would take away the enhanced federal benefits, that $600 a week, that many of these people are making to be professional protesters.”
He said the paid protesters are likely being funded by “left-wing groups”, but also through American’s tax dollars if they are receiving unemployment benefits. Banks said they should not be receiving these benefits any longer if they are found guilty of committing violent acts during protests.

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