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Most in Indiana Want a Change in Indiana’s Alcohol Laws.

(NETWORK IN) Hoosiers continue to favor allowing the sale of cold beer at supermarkets and convenience stores in Indiana, and they want to buy alcohol on Sunday, says a new study from Ball State University.

The latest survey of 600 Hoosiers says 61-percent of you support the sale of cold beer in supermarkets and convenience stores, 31-percent are against it.

“Cold beer is popular in Indiana. We find support for cold beer sales to be similar across partisan, demographic and geographic categories,” said Sean Hildebrand, a Ball State political science professor and survey analyst. “This is not the first time the Hoosier Survey asked about support for the sale of cold beer in supermarkets and convenience stores. The 2014 survey also found that 61 percent of Hoosiers supported expanding sales locations for cold beer”

Support for cold beer sales expansion was slightly higher among Democrat and independent voters throughout the state. It was also more popular among Hoosiers living in the northern part of the state, than in the south.

The survey also asked if you support the sale of alcohol on Sundays in Indiana. 58-percent of Hoosiers support Sunday sales of alcohol, while only 36-percent oppose it.

“Sundays are fun days too, and Hoosiers want to expand their ability to purchase alcohol in stores to seven days a week,” said Hildebrand. “We find similar support for Sunday sales of alcohol across partisan, demographic and geographic categories.”

In 2014, the Hoosier Survey found that 59-percent of respondents supported Sunday sales, with 39-percent opposed.

With Governor Holcomb unveiling his legislative agenda for 2018 this morning, which is mostly focused on job training and fighting the opioid epidemic, a hot button topic to be discussed in the General Assembly come January is the alcohol debate. Hildebrand expects a lot of discussion on the topic at the state house.

“I do think there will be some noise come up about it again, think there will be discussion about i like we saw last year,” Hildebrand added. “However, I’ll be surprised if it gets any much further than it did last year.”

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