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Business 50 Will be Discussed More This Week

           US Business 50 through Washington was a topic at Monday’s City Council Meeting. Mayor Joe Wellman  announced that he will be meeting with a local task force looking at the issue on Friday to discuss the condition of the route and present new information.   The Mayor noted that the State, who controls the road, has not been forthcoming with adequate funds to repair the old highway.  For several years, the state has been trying to get the city to take over the road.  The past few administrations have all said the city won’t take the road until the state makes repairs and improvements that up to certain specs.   Mayor Wellman said he is not willing to saddle the citizens of Washington with the $28 million bill it would take to repair the street.

          Also at last night’s meeting, the Council approved two resolutions transferring funds within the Police Department budget.  Police Chief Todd Church said the Department wanted to place a small shed behind City Hall for equipment storage.  Church also told the Council that the 22 year old emergency response van needed replaced and with money saved in other accounts and the trade in of the old van and police bus, the Department could get a new van.   The Council also approved the 2018 holiday schedule for city workers.

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