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Commissioner Gabhart Announces Re-Election Campaign

          Daviess County Commissioner Nathan Gabhart has announced he’ll run for a 2nd term in office.

          The current Republican President of the Commissioners said he’s excited to announce  his re-election bid.  He touted accomplishments such has a Road Improvement Plan, enhanced Public Safety and addressing Courthouse space issues.  He says he’s committed to finishing what was started.

          Gabhart serves in District 2 which is the Eastern part of Daviess County.  The primary election is May 9th.

the following is Mr. Gabhart’s official announcement
Re-Elect Gabhart for Commissioner 2018 Press Release
I am excited to announce my candidacy for re-election as District 2 County Commissioner. We have accomplished many things over the past 3 years, however more work still needs to be done. Recently, the Board of Commissioners has taken on many projects that have needed addressed for a long time. We have created a Road Improvement Plan, enhanced Public Safety, addressed Courthouse space issues, and continually lowered costs to the taxpayers as well as many other things. I am committed to finish what we have started in order to ensure we keep Daviess County moving in the right direction.
As a business owner, I will continue to bring private sector logic to local government. I know first-hand that entrepreneurs and businesses create jobs; not government. As a member of the Executive Board of the Indiana Association of County Commissioners, I will continue to bring the best practices from other counties to Daviess County. As a father and husband, I will continue to make the best decisions possible for Daviess County regardless of the pressures we face behind the scenes because I want our kids want to choose to raise their families in Daviess County.
I will continue to ask the tough questions and make the difficult decisions in order to protect the taxpayers of Daviess County. It is truly amazing how many of you have reached out to share your thoughts and opinions. Thank you. Oftentimes it is difficult for people to voice their concerns in a public setting, but rest assured the silent majority have been heard and I will continue making the difficult decisions to protect the citizens of Daviess County. I would appreciate your vote on May 9th!
Nathan Gabhart RPh
District 2 Commissioner

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